Monday, March 12, 2012


As suggested, today I am taking some time to reflect upon what I have written so far.  Before I began this challenge, I suspected that the majority of my writing would be based upon my family.  This week I am going to try and branch out.  In my classroom we try all kinds of writer's notebook entries, and my challenge, for the next ten days, is to try to include a notebook strategy each day.  Hopefully, by trying out these notebook strategies, I can come up with some clever ideas to write about for the next ten days.  I can feel the slump of day twelve.  Knowing that we are almost half way to our goal is a motivator.  On with the challenge!

On a different note I have given up sugar cold turkey.  Sugar and I have a love hate relationship.  I am the proud owner of an enlarged sweet tooth.  I blame my father.  It must be genetic.  My other problem is I love to bake.  Residing in my house, I have a husband who doesn't really care for sweets, a five year old who eats like a bird, and 14 month old who is lucky if she can get the food to her mouth.  Who ends up eating the  Enough is enough.  So, my second challenge this month is to dump the sweets.   Godspeed everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes trying out some of the notebook strategies to stretch yourself as a writer. My favorite notebook approach is to write about place. Maps fill my notebooks & I'm always amazed how I'm stretched as a writer by considering place.
    Happy writing,

    PS -- Good luck with the sugar...or maybe I should say good luck without the sugar. :)
